
Wednesday 21 December 2011

The last 280 films I have watched

Christmas holidays are almost upon us so here are the last 280 films I have watched since July 2000 – or at least those I remembered to write down.

Many were watched on long plane journeys, some in the cinema and others at home with the family.

Taste for films is very personal and although I enjoyed most of those listed I have marked with an asterisk (*) those I would particularly recommend and have given my top ten a double asterisk (**)

Some in the list below I would definitely not recommend!

If you have any suggestions about films you would recommend that are not in this list, or comments about those that are, then please make them below.

1. Erin Brockovich*
2. The Hurricane*
3. The next best thing
4. Return to me
5. Mission to Mars
6. The Truman Show*
7. Wrongfully accused
8. Sixth sense
9. The Mummy
10. The Fugitive
11. Price of Glory*
12. Where the Money is
13. The Skulls
14. The whole nine yards
15. The last musketeer
16. Lightning Jack
17. Fried Green tomatoes*
18. Casper
19. Independence Day
20. Escape form Alcatraz
21. Octopussy
22. Titanic
23. Mousehunt
24. 101 Dalmatians
25. A bridge too far
26. Chicken Run
27. Dave
28. Platoon
29. Deep Impact
30. High Fidelity
31. Mrs Doubtfire
32. The Man in the Iron Mask
33. The Miracle Maker
34. Dances with Wolves
35. Air Force I
36. Vertical Limit
37. Space Cowboys
38. Wild Wild West
39. Jerry McGuire*
40. Patch Adams
41. Out of Sight
42. The Bravados
43. Extreme Measures*
44. Raw Deal
45. Galaxy Quest
46. Gattacca*
47. The Battle of the Coral Sea
48. Ground Hog Day*
49. Last Orders*
50. Rush Hour
51. Matilda
52. Lord of the Rings*
53. Regarding Henry
54. Shrek
55. Antz
56. Flubber
57. Enemy of the State
58. Lord of the Rings (2nd time)*
59. Rush Hour 2
60. Entrapment
61. I am Sam
62. What’s the matter with Jimmy Grimble
63. The Count of Monte Cristo*
64. Behind Enemy Lines
65. Lost in Space
66. Lilo and Stitch
67. Force 10 from Navarone
68. Miss Congeniality
69. Pearl Harbour
70. Spies Like Us
71. Naked Gun 2 ½
72. What women want
73. Beverly Hills Cop 3
74. The Mummy (2nd time)
75. Minority Report*
76. The Mummy Returns
77. Lord of the Rings 2 (Two Towers)*
78. Cats and Dogs
79. The Bourne Identity*
80. The Third Wheel
81. The Mission*
82. A Fish called Wanda
83. Gattacca (2nd time)*
84. Lord of the Rings (Two towers) (2nd time)*
85. Brassed Off**
86. Gloomy Sunday*
87. The Full Monty*
88. The Four Feathers
89. Mr Holland’s Opus*
90. Goodbye Mr Chips
91. XXX
92. One Hour Photo
93. Jurassic Park 3
94. Blues Brothers*
95. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
96. Bend it like Beckham*
97. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin*
98. Swordfish
99. Lord of the Rings (Two towers) (3rd time)*
100. Dietrich Bonhoeffer*
101. Jumanji*
102. Johnny English
103. The Sound of Music*
104. Naked Gun 33 1/3
105. The Thin Red Line
106. Catch me if you can
107. Showtime
108. East is East*
109. Lord of the Rings 3 (Return of the King)*
110. Love Actually
111. Sum of all Fears
112. Finding Nemo
113. My Left Foot*
114. The Widow Maker
115. Reach for the Sky
116. The Road to Perdition*
117. Angela’s Ashes*
118. Shrek III
119. Suzi Gold
120. The Day after tomorrow
121. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
122. Laws of Attraction
123. Flatliners
124. The Passion*
125. Million Dollar Baby
126. As good as it gets*
127. The Island
128. Outbreak
129. Star Wars III*
130. Troy
131. The Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe*
132. King Kong*
133. The Last Samurai
134. Snow Walker
135. Motorcycle Diaries*
136. Amelie
137. Millions*
138. Amazing Grace*
139. War of the Worlds
140. Waking Ned
141. Lost in Translation
142. Saving Private Ryan*
143. I love my wife
144. Tsotsi**
145. Pleasantville**
146. Alien
147. Sixteen Blocks
148. Firewall
149. The River King
150. Perfect strangers
151. Something New
152. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid*
153. Fastest Indian*
154. Fracture
155. Keeping Mum
156. In my Father’s den
157. Last King of Scotland*
158. Rain
159. The Quiet Earth
160. Eagle vs Shark*
161. Casablanca**
162. The Untouchables*
163. The Usual Suspects*
164. The 11th Hour
165. Stardust
166. Forest Gump**
167. Conversations with my gardener*
168. The Conversation
169. Terms of Endearment
170. The Bourne Ultimatum*
171. The Choir
172. Four (Vivaldi)*
173. The Band’s Visit*
174. The Wizard of Oz
175. The Bank Job
176. The Happening
177. Caramel
178. Iron Man
179. Prince Caspian*
180. The 1st Ladies Detective Agency
181. Atonement
182. Pan’s Labyrinth*
183. The Insider
184. Blades of Glory
185. Predator
186. The 39 Steps*
187. In the Line of Fire
188. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly**
189. Citizen Kane*
190. Slumdog Millionaire*
191. Lions for Lambs
192. The Reader
193. Defiance*
194. Last Chance Harvey
195. Billy Elliott*
196. Doubt*
197. The Black Balloon
198. Gran Torino**
199. Taken
200. Seven Pounds
201. A river runs through it*
202. Juno*
203. Avatar
204. District 9*
205. Sin Nombre*
206. Inglorious Basterds
207. A Perfect Getaway
208. Whiteout
209. Priceless
210. 21
211. The Lives of Others*
212. It’s a wonderful life**
213. Valkyrie
214. I love you, man
215. In Bruges
216. The Blind Side*
217. Invictus
218. The Hurt Locker
219. The Raffle*
220. Napoleon Dynamite*
221. Inception*
222. Up**
223. Hotshots
224. She’s out of your league
225. A few good men
226. The untouchables (2nd time)*
227. Toy Story 3
228. The History Boys
229. Nativity Series (4)*
230. Apocalypse Now*
231. Rain Man*
232. Alaska
233. The Usual Suspects (2nd time)*
234. Hot Fuzz
235. Star Wars 5*
236. Time Bandits*
237. Star Wars 6*
238. Sophie Scholl**
239. Seven Pounds (2nd time)
240. Beautiful Mind*
241. Green Mile*
242. Shawn of the Dead
243. Sound of Music (2nd time)*
244. Slumdog Millionaire (2nd time)*
245. The Italian Job (Original)*
246. Hotel Rwanda*
247. Mary Poppins*
248. Defiance (2nd time)*
249. Cool Hand Luke**
250. Terminator Salvation
251. Shadowlands*
252. My Sister’s Keeper
253. The Book of Eli*
254. The Social Network*
255. Wall Street*
256. The American
257. Patriot Games
258. The King’s Speech*
259. Crash
260. 127 Hours
261. The Town
262. Tuxedo
263. Blind Side (2nd time)*
264. Flawless
265. You’re my hero
266. Greenzone
267. Lorenzo’s Oil*
268. Goethe*
269. Knight and Day
270. The Sunset Limited*
271. Never Let me Go*
272. Unknown
273. The Adjustment Bureau
274. Casablanca (2nd time)
275. Battle Los Angeles
276. Bonnie and Clyde*
277. Deliverance
278. Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?
279. Twilight
280. Africa United
281. Black Sheep
282. Gladiator*
283. Braveheart*
284. Shawshank Redemption**
285. Schindler's List**
285. Days of Glory
286. The Kite Runner*
287. Shutter Island
288. Prince Caspian
289. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull


  1. Many of my favorites are already on the list. Here are some other:

    La Vita e Bella
    Temple Gardin
    Shawshank Redemption
    The Nun's Story
    Joanna dÁrc
    Becoming Jane
    The Pianist
    Schlinder's List
    Freedom Writers
    The Painten Veil

  2. So when you're not blogging and whingeing about the rugby, you watch films. When do you work?!

    Go on then, tell us which films you DON'T recommend. I haven't seen most of the stuff on your list.

  3. Ada,

    Thanks for this list. Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart, Schindler's List and Gladiator are also amongst my favourites - all came out before my list began but I have seen them all several times so have added again along with some new ones watched over Christmas holidays.

    I haven't seen any of the others though - will look out for them. Thanks.


  4. James,

    Those films I recommend I have marked * and **. Many others were good but not amongst the best.

    Nice of you to drop by again. Merry Christmas and every blessing for the New Year.


  5. I enjoyed Shallow Hal, which I watched a couple of days ago. But perhaps that is not your cup of tea, given your antipathy to the morbidly obese. An old blogpost of yours is pretty judgemental about fat people. I'm guessing your preference would be for bony skinnies like Gwynnie, and not the girl in the fat suit. Inner beauty, anyone?

  6. Oh I'm all for inner beauty - there is nothing more attractive - 1 Peter 3:1-6 and all that.

    Must look up Shallow Hal some time :-)

  7. You miss the point. "1 Peter 3:1-6 and all that" is about outer adornment versus inner beauty (make-up, jewelry, fashionable clothes - you know the kind of thing - stuff women rely on to make themselves more beautiful). 'Shallow Hal' is about being attracted to those who are outwardly UNATTRACTIVE (morbidly obese, or just plain ugly) but have a beautiful nature. No amount of outer adornment can make some girls look attractive. But they still have inner beauty - geddit? My being attracted to a girl isn't conditional on her having the perfect face or figure - I set more store by her personality and character. A warm loving woman is any day better than some skinny minnie who looks "hot" in a tight dress. It's the opposite of having a trophy wife or girlfriend whom you can show off. As I said, this may be a concept you struggle with, given your disdain of fat unattractive women. It's true that we all like attractive people - who doesn't? But sometimes those "hotties" turn out to be empty air-heads, and/or obnoxious prats, and then their beauty becomes non-existent. Personally I try not to judge people by their looks. My wife struggles with her weight and has self-esteem issues because she's not that hot - she's not a great dresser either. But to me she's absolutely gorgeous and I love her to bits because all I can see is her beautiful inner nature. She's a loving affectionate and kind woman. That's a lot more than I can say for some other women I've dated in the past - pretty, yes. Sleek and slender, yes. Hot - yes. But also self-centred, self-indulgent, cold and arrogant narcissists who did not know the meaning of affection or how to please a man. Give me a warm "unattractive" woman any day, over a cold frigid "hottie".

  8. Incidentally, women who plaster themselves with make-up and/or wear masses of jewelry are a total turn off. So are women who wear provocative or revealing clothing. Perhaps that is what Peter (the apostle, not you) really meant! Little is more, where make-up and adornment are concerned. I don't think I'm alone in this, I often hear my mates say the same. Perhaps you think differently. And as for women's bodies, if they put it all out there for all the blokes to see, there is no mystery left - personally, I'd be more intrigued by what I CAN'T see, than what is put on display for me to leer at (not that I'm in the habit of leering at women, of course).

    I suspect what Peter meant was that no amount of make-up and jewelry will make some women beautiful, if they are awful people on the inside - their inner ugliness will show through. Of course, this goes for men too, before I'm accused of chauvinism. And as for outwardly ugly people, frankly I am not sure that make-up and jewelry will help THEM either - they're better off concentrating on other things. As for any man (or woman) who marries someone for their looks - all I can say is they are bound to be very disappointed.

  9. Thanks for sharing this James. Your wife sounds like a wonderful person. Every blessing. P.

  10. While YOU have given nothing away! Being cautious and close mouthed, are we? Afraid we'll be judged superficial, perhaps? Go on - why don't you tell us what qualities you find attractive in a woman? After all, YOU started it with the '180 movies I wish I hadn't watched' post. I do know you like them skinny, if your previous posts about fatties are anything to go by. By the way, anything in 1 Peter about blokes who are so superficial, they are hung up on everyone being thin?

  11. Well James I, like you, am very fond of my wife.

    As for attractive qualities in women generally? - a passion to love, serve, honour and obey Jesus Christ.

    Every blessing. P

  12. Ah - skinny, is she?

    You'd give her a hard time if she were fat, and didn't come up to your high expectations, eh?

    Got it.


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