
Friday, 29 October 2010

‘The law says you are not to eat a porcupine!’ A salutary warning from the Lausanne Conference

Kenyan pastor Calisto Odede preached on Ephesians 4:17-6:9 at Cape Town 2010:the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation on 16-25 October.

In this second part of his message (listen here) he explained the Apostle Paul’s instructions to walk in the love of God, to walk in the light of God and to walk diligently.

His final illustration was an amusing but salutary cautionary tale from Africa. If you would like to hear the original in Calisto’s inimitable tones scroll through to just before 18 minutes on the video.

The full text reads as follows:

In a certain country the law says you should not eat porcupines.

An individual was found hunting a porcupine
He was asked ‘Do you know what the law says?’
And he said ‘The law says “you are not to eat a porcupine”.
It does not say “don’t hunt a porcupine”.’

He was found carrying a porcupine.
He was asked ‘Do you know what the law says?’
And he said ‘The law says “you are not to eat a porcupine”.
It does not say “don’t carry a porcupine”.’

He was found skinning a porcupine.
He was asked ‘Do you know what the law says?’
And he said ‘The law says “you are not to eat a porcupine”.
It does not say “don’t skin a porcupine”.’

He was found roasting a porcupine.
And he was asked ‘Do you know what the law says?’
And he said ‘The law says “you are not to eat a porcupine”.
It does not say “don’t roast a porcupine”.’

He was found tasting a porcupine.
And he was asked ‘Do you know what the law says?’
And he said ‘The law says “you are not to eat a porcupine”.
It does not say “don’t taste a porcupine”.’

Unfortunately he tasted the whole porcupine.

There are some of you who have tasted the whole porcupine.

It started out as something small you thought you could control but it has now taken over your whole life and you need to bring it before the Lord.


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