
Tuesday, 16 November 2010

‘We have a charge from Christ to care for the weakest in society’ - Dr Trevor Stammers speaks on Channel 4 about abortion

Channel Four are showing a series of short films this week about different people’s views on abortion. Dr Trevor Stammers spoke tonight and you can watch the clip on the Channel 4 website. Here are some excerpted comments:

‘To me it’s an absolutely chilling thought that the Virgin Mary would have been a prime candidate for abortion these days.

As I doctor and a Christian I believe abortion harms women and society in general…In my heart of hearts I never believe that killing your unborn child is the best way forward

I think the profession as a whole feels a huge amount of unspoken shame about its increasing involvement with abortion not because women are sick but purely because children are viewed as a social inconvenience

I think that - those doctors who work full time - something happens to them... What must it do to you day after day pulling out bits of fetus from women’s wombs?

We have a charge from Christ to care for the weakest in society and who could be weaker than the baby in the womb?’


  1. I have seen several blogs that have praised Dr. Stammers' forthright words.

    I have also noticed some very obvious editing and cherry picking of what he said.

    Please have a look at my most recent blog post.

  2. Thanks for your feedback. I have raised the question of whether one should refer abortion requests to other GPs with Dr Stammers who is happy for me to quote from his response as follows:

    'When in practice I did not refer to my colleagues out of fear but of out concern for the mother herself. Of those I so refered, around a third of them decided to have their
    babies and none to my knowledge regretted that. Quite a few of those who were determined to go ahead did regret it and were then at least in a position to come and receive help for their post-aborton trauma from either me or one of my many partners. If they had gone straight to Marie Stopes or BPAS they would have been more likely to have the abortion to start with and have nowhere to turn thereafter.

    'Refer' may well have been a better and more accurate word to use than 'facilitate' as most of my colleagues are also concerned about the harm abortion does to society, but sadly not all of them. I pray we will reach the day when
    no GP is prepared to facilitate an abortion by signing the necessary forms but we are a long way from that at present.'

  3. concerned about the harm abortion does to society, but sadly not all of them. I pray we will reach the day when


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