
Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Three out of every ten human deaths in the UK occur as a result of ‘medical intervention’ before birth

In 2012 there were 499,331 deaths registered in England and Wales, 54,937 in Scotland and 14,756 in Northern Ireland – a total of 569,024 human deaths.

In the same year there were 185,122 abortions carried out on women resident in England and Wales, 1,330 on women from other parts of the UK (including 905 from Northern Ireland) and 12,447 in Scotland – a total of 198,899 human deaths.

According to the answer given to a parliamentary question asked by Lord Alton yesterday, there were 166,631 human embryos that were allowed to perish in the UK in 2012 – a total of 166,631 human deaths. These are 'excess' embryos created in a laboratory by IVF technology that are thrown away.

In addition there are about 250,000 miscarriages in the UK every year – a total of 250,000 human deaths.

So that’s a total of 1,184,554 human deaths in the UK in 2012 – 569,024 registered deaths, 250,000 miscarriages, 198,899 aborted babies, and 166,631 embryos allowed to perish.

Of this total number of human deaths over half (52%) were human beings who were never born, and of these 365,530 (31%) were human lives ended by doctors before birth (abortions and embryos allowed to perish).  

Each of this latter group were human beings that no one wanted and that a doctor, or other health professional, acted to destroy.

Abortion and embryo disposal are against the Hippocratic Oath, against the Declaration of Geneva, against the International Code of Medical Ethics and against the Judeo-Christian ethic on which the laws of our country were originally based.

In 1947 the British Medical Association called abortion 'the greatest crime'.

But it is now so commonplace in Britain that we don’t even bother to mention it as a cause of human death despite the fact that every abortion stops a human heart beating.

The fact that the deaths of human beings are excluded from official death statistics is a symptom of how far we have fallen.

There is no one in the UK more innocent, more vulnerable and killed in greater numbers than the pre-born baby.

And there is no more dangerous place for a human being than the womb... or a petri dish. 


  1. A price will have to be paid for all this monstrous cruelty. Abusing nature and defying God are not penalty free options.

  2. Well, what a surprise. Loads of comments on the previous entry about the Canaanites; crickets on this one. That's the liberals for you.

    1. You say liberal like its a bad thing. It's the fanatics in the world that do all the damage.

  3. Yes it's fascinating. They protest about the killing of the guilty but either support or say nothing about the killing of the innocent.

  4. Just remind us again of why the Canaanite babies were guilty?

  5. It's fine when you scrabble around trying to justify mass murder of children as it marks you out as deranged. It's when you try to intellectualise your homophobia on a 'medical' website that you might damage somebody vulnerable, and that is why you should be ashamed of yourself.

  6. Mark P

    "intellectualise your homophobia" ?

    The post was about abortion.


    Maybe you need to look in the mirror?


    1. I was of course referring to this website in general. I'm sorry I confused you.

  7. So I hope I've cleared that up for you Phil and I'd like to re assert my previous statement that trying to justify mass murder of children marks you out as deranged

    1. Just when have I justified mass murder of children ?

      The post is about abortion which many feel is mass murder of children


    2. On the Canaanite thread. I'm aware (thanks again) that this post is about abortion it's just that this thread begins with whining about the lack of comments compared to the Canaanite post. Hence my initial comment which confused you.

  8. And homophobic ramblings ELSEWHERE on the website are dangerous and I object to the word 'medical' in the blog title as this lends undeserved credibility to the nonsense.


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