There was great
pressure to close ranks or to forget who they were. There was also great
hand-wringing and lament.
Their emotions are beautifully described in Psalm 137,
in words given popular currency by the pop band Boney M – a German based but
ethnically Jamaican foursome – who achieved popularity during
the disco era of the late 1970s.
In King James English: ‘By the rivers of Babylon, there we
sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.’(Psalm 137:1)
The psalm goes on to describe in graphic detail how they
were tormented by their captors, unable to sing the songs of their homeland,
pining for Jerusalem and longing for vengeance against those who had mistreated
They were forcibly displaced people - not even asylum
seekers or refugees let alone economic migrants - but rather captives –
prisoners of war in a country utterly different from their own in language,
culture, values, religion and worldview.
God’s people – but made to serve in an evil empire, Babylon.
In the New Testament the symbolism of ‘Babylon’ is used by
the apostles to describe Christian’s position in the world.
The apostle Peter talks of ‘living in Babylon’ and describes
God's elect (Christians) as 'strangers in the world' (1 Peter 1:1), and
'aliens' (1 Peter 2:11).
We are called to 'be holy' – to be set apart – because we
are 'a chosen people, a royal priesthood' and 'a holy nation' (1 Peter 2:9).
One of the key themes of the book of Daniel is that God is
sovereign over all physical, spiritual, social and political processes (Daniel
2:21, 4:17, 5:21).
In other words, fire can’t burn, lions can’t bite and kings
can’t rule unless God allows them to.
God’s rescue of Daniel from the lion’s den in Daniel 6 along
with that of his friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace
in Daniel 3, are well familiar to anyone who has attended Sunday school.
But less appreciated and believed in – even in the church - is
God’s control over political events and his sovereign rule over the rise and
fall of nations.
‘He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and
raises up others.’ (Daniel 2:21)
‘The Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and
gives them to anyone he wishes’ (Daniel 4:32). This same verse is repeated in Daniel
4:17, 25 and 5:21, 35.
Daniel’s two great dreams – in chapters 2 and 7 of this book
– illustrate this.
First there is the great statue in chapter 2 with its head
of gold, chest of silver, loins of bronze and legs of iron – representing the
empire of Babylon and three more empires – usually identified by commentators
as Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome - which will follow it.
Then there are the four great beasts of chapter 7 –
representing probably the same four kingdoms – each falling to be replaced by
the next.
Each dream ends in a similar way with these temporary
earthly Kingdoms being destroyed to be replaced by a heavenly kingdom that will
never end.
The statue made from four metals is smashed by a rock which
grows to fill the whole world – a direct reference to Christ’s Kingdom.
The four beasts are superseded by one, we are told, like a
‘Son of Man’ (Daniel 7:13) coming with the clouds of heaven. He
approaches the Ancient of Days (God the father) and is led into his

‘Son of Man’ was of course Jesus’ favourite term for
himself. It is Jesus who through his death and resurrection rules over all the
kingdoms of men.
I live in St Albans – named after Britain’s first Christian
martyr, a Roman nobleman called Alban - who was converted through the ministry
of a priest fleeing persecution in the early 3rd century. When he
refused to recant the Roman officials chopped his head off.
But centuries later when the Roman town of Verulamium where
he lived lay in ruins they took the bricks and used them to build a cathedral
on the very spot where he had given his life.
It’s a beautiful picture of what has, and is, happening in
history – through the shedding of Jesus own blood at the hands of Roman Empire
– God is building a living temple of his own people – the church.
‘The sovereignty,
power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over
to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an
everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’ (Daniel
Of course what is true of the ancient world empires is
equally true of the empires of today – the American, British and Soviet Empires
– and equally the Empires of post-war western capitalism and Islam.
Daniel really in the book of the moment.